Welcome to the Cal Poly Pomona Nursery's Online Store. This online store is a product of our "Learn by Doing" philosophy to provide our students an educational lesson in real world internet plant sales. In our Plant Science department, within the Huntley College of Agriculture, the professors create a unique educational experience preparing students for their professional lives. Working at our state of the art greenhouse facility, our students obtain the hand-on experience that they will need to excel in their future jobs. These plants have been grown by our students from planning, propagation, planting, watering, transplanting, packaging and finally shipped to you with pride, our students have been apart of it all. By purchasing our plants you are directly helping our students; Sales fund student wages and provide real world entrepreneurial experience. We appreciate your business and will appreciate your feedback on how to improve your shopping experience! For more information about what goes on at our nursery check out out facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CPPnursery/